Martina reports on the discovery of ferroelectricity in vector-chiral magnet β-TeVO4 and magnetic control of its properties:
Željko was studying M-type hexaferrites with three different substitutions using dielectric, transport and calorimetric experiments:
The Ph.D. student Željko Rapljenović has attended XV school on synchrotron Radiation “Gilberto Vlaic”: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications in Muggia (Italy) from 16.09.20019 to 27.09.2019.
Martina Dragičević, Željko Rapljenović, and Dr. David Rivas Góngora have participated in the Solid-State Science and Research meeting (SCIRES2019) held at the Faculty of Science of Uni. of Zagreb from 29 to 30 of June 2019.
Our postdoctoral research assistant Dr. David Rivas Góngora has attended the DPG spring meeting 2019 hold on Regensburg (Germany) from 30.03.2019 to 05.04.2019
Our Ph.D. student Željko Rapljenović participated at the International School on Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation held in Alsace (France) on 7-12 October 2018.